If you’ve ever had a dog that likes to get into the garbage, you know how frustrating (and dangerous) it is. And you also know how frustrating it is to try to find a dog-proof garbage can. In fact, there was only one dog-proof trash can on the market – and you had to (I kid you not) bolt it to the wall. And that dog proof garbage can cost $110.00 plus shipping. So I was thrilled to find this dog proof trash can which doesn’t need to be bolted to the wall, and which comes with free shipping from Amazon.
And which is on sale at Amazon right now for only $45.00!
Made by Simplehuman, this dog-proof garbage can features an easy to use slide lock which locks the lid in place. And, even though it’s a standard kitchen-size slim garbage can, it has wheels (pretty cool!)
Here’s a picture of it:
It works perfectly.
We love ours. And our dog doesn’t. Nuff said.
You can buy the dog-proof garbage can here from Amazon.
My dog also figured out if you knock it over, it will open. She then chewed the back of it so the lid will not go on it.
My Choc Lab knocked it over the first time I left him alone and managed somehow to get the lid off while it was still in the “locked” position… Didn’t cause any damage to the garbage can at all! He’s practically Houdini!
I think bolting it to the wall is the way to go… If it doesn’t tip over it’s more likely the garbage will stay inside!
Did NOT work for us! My 60 pound dog tipped it over and chewed the lid off THE FIRST DAY!! I came home and the garbage was strewn everywhere! $50 bucks down the drain!
I think I have a solution! Read on.
I bought a much bigger round garbage can at Home Depot that had a snap on lid. I put a smaller shorter trash can inside. Thought THAT would help. It didn’t. My dog knocked that over and bit off the lid and got to the smaller can inside when the can was tipped over on the floor.
SOLUTION: If the dog can’t tip the can over he won’t be able to get to chew the lid off or get into the garbage.
So I’m going to put a strong circle hook- the kind groomers use to keep a dog in the bathtub or at a wall. I’m going to bolt it into a stud. The can has handles (not the lid, the can). I’m going to run a chain through the hook attached to the wall and around the can handle so the dog CANNOT tip the can over. So even if he can chew off the snap-together lid (unlikely if it isn’t tipped over) he won’t be able to spill the garbage.
We just have to be smarter than they are! I WILL solve this!
No match for Chewie! My dog got this trash can open within two weeks. I walk in to a kitchen filled with trash morning and evenings. Still looking!
I bought it and it worked fine until my dog tipped it over and jumped on it until it opened
I can’t tell you how thrilled I was to come upon this post while searching the web for a trash can solution. We ended up buying this trash can in black at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
It has completely solved my problem. I have tall dogs and it’s easy for them to get at the trash can. One of them liked to patrol the trash can and poke the lid up with his nose if something interested him so I always had to move the trash can into the laundry room/garage entry way.
Now he checks this one out now and then, but has quickly lost interest since the lid doesn’t open with an easy poke of his nose.
Thanks for the lead. This one (and a similiar one with a different shape) are $39.99 at Bed Bath and Beyond and you can use those 20% coupons they regularly mail out on it as well. They come in a few colors too.
Thanks for the great lead. We didn’t want one of those fancy ultra expensive stainless ones and this one is perfect.
Wow! What kind of dog do you have?? Our dog has *never* been able to open the can (he has knocked it over once, but even then couldn’t get the lid open!)
My dog chewed, clawed, and managed to pull the lid open after only 1 day of practice.
Named after, clearly, Stig of the Dump. 🙂
That would be great for us. Our rescue cat Stig likes tipping the bin over searching for anything edible, and his definition is flexible in the extreme. The other night, he consumed the cooking foil in which sausages had been cooked: luckily for him, but not for us, the foil came back up rather than continuing on the painful way through him. Gave me a start in the morning though 😉
Unfortunately this item is not available outside the US and there is no equivalent on Amazon UK that I have found yet. On with the search…