Guess who!
Some of my other sites: Explaining the Law | The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan Recipes | The Internet Patrol
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>> By the way, is that a picture of you in upper left with an M-16 at << Why yes, as a matter of fact, that is me. And I'm not afraid to use it. 🙂
I should probably add I used to read Chris’ Lockergnome letters and he also did some Tech TV show. Never been to any of his LG conferences or bought any swag… Reportedly a hyper dude.
By the way, is that a picture of you in upper left with an M-16 at
This is Chris Pirillo. So how many points did I win?!
Say. isn’t that the Lockergnome himself – Chris Pirillo? We could all do a lot worse than get advice from this exemplary and renowned netizen. Lookin’ good Chris. Hope that stuff is on your diet!