Today is my daughter Jessica’s 20-somethingth birthday.
My other sites: Explaining the Law | Anne's Reviews | The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan | The Internet Patrol
So look what my amazing daughter did – for the first time – to celebrate:
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Happy birthday Jessica!
It’s bad enough you spent your Special Day in some dive, but please work on getting that monkey off your back. 😉
I see the event was leather optional.
Annie – love the URL!
I say if God meant us to skydive, he’d have given us parachutes.
Awesome, Jess. Just awesome. Is it AFF next (_A_ccelerated _F_ree_F_all)?
Congratulations…now get your mother to do it!
Have a terrific day.
Huzzah for Jessica! My daughter did that on one of her birthdays, too.
I say better them than us.
Holy crap your daughter is pretty much the coolest! I want to do that!!! Hope she had an awesome birthday =)
Happy Birthday, Jess! Looks like fun… did you even have time to get the gentleman’s name?!?
Hurray for Jessica! I’ve always wanted to do this. Maybe for my 70th.
Auntie BJ
Wow, happy birthday Jess!!! I hope it was as exhilarating as it looks.
Happy birthday indeed. I hope she had a better landng than I did the one time I jumped 🙂
Makes me dizzy to look at the photo…I can’t get on the bottom rung of a step-ladder w/out my knees knocking.