Whether you call them Krokaner or Kro Kaner cookies, Krokta, Bridge cookies, Saddle cookies, or even Horse Collar cookies, the odds are good that you ended up here because you are trying to find the Krokaner Pans (or Krokaner tins) and can’t find them anywhere. Of course part of the problem is that they go by so many names, but the real problem is that they are impossible to find anywhere in the U.S. – unless you know where to look.
They used to be available through Maid of Scandinavia, which, along with Sweet Celebrations, was borged by KitchenKrafts. So, no more.
At that point, the only place that carried them was Ingebretsen’s in Minneapolis, but some time ago they too removed them from their website.
That’s right, Ingebretsen’s in Minneapolis actually still carries Krokaner tins, and I have the picture to prove it, because mine just arrived today!
Aren’t they purty? :~)
So, here is what you need to do to get your very own Krokaner pans, Saddle cookie tins, or whatever you want to call them.
Call Ingebretsen’s at 800-279-9333. Ask to speak with Debbie, as she is the one who will know what the heck you are talking about.
They are $20 each, and shipping and handling for my two came to $8.50.
By the way, if you need a recipe for the Krokaner cookies, here are some good ones:
Recipe #1 for Krokaner cookies
Recipe #2 for what she calls Horse Collar cookies or Krokta (this site has the best pictures!)
Recipe #4 for Bridge cookies / Krokaner (with good pictures)
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