It’s only the second morning that I have woken up with little hair, but already I am finding so many fringe benefits.
In addition to those mentioned in my previous post – the anticipated ones – I have been delighted to observe these uncontemplated benefits:
– only one towel needed after a shower now
– I don’t have to deal with trying to keep my hair out of the way when washing my face
– this is the ultimate wash and go (or heck, roll out of bed and go) hairstyle. It just looks good without my doing *anything* *at all* to it
This is so #$%^&* liberating!
I have had a number one crop for a little over a year now, and love it. OK, I’m a guy, but don’t miss longer hair at all. I’m going thin on top anyway, and it looks so much better than ridiculous hairstyles which try to hide hair loss.
Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3 always looked hot too!
I enjoy my beard for insulation against the cold this time of year. Have you experienced a new form of head cold yet?