Why the name “Mange Merde”, which may be offensive to some – and certainly to those who speak French?
(If you don’t happen to speak French – and, make no mistake, I don’t, but I can swear like a sailor in a few languages that I don’t otherwise speak – you can check out the Google translation of the term “mange merde” here, but be warned: it is very rude. Now, actually I rarely swear, but somehow swearing in a foreign language just doesn’t feel so unladylike.)
Anyways, as to why that’s the name of this site, primarily, it’s an answer to those who didn’t have the faith in a young girl to overcome her circumstances. To those who thought that the context defined the life. To the professor who told me not to get my hopes up when I told him that I was applying to Harvard, Stanford, and Yale law schools.
To those people – in this one corner of my otherwise gentle, professional, and lady-like life – and much like the little plant, poking itself out of and overcoming the mass of snow heaped on top of it (in the picture above) – I say, well.. you know.
(To read the full story, read my “about” page.)
Stanford Law School class of ’92
Thank you! Thank you!
Oops! Please excuse my comment on this piece (“Thank you! Thank you!”).
It was meant for your article about the dashboard padlock in a Subaru—which was a great help to me. I mistakenly dropped it in your Why Mange Merde article after I was intrigued by the title I enjoyed reading that one very much, but it was the Subaru answer that saved me many hours of stress.
Hi Kim! I’m sorry I only just saw this! No worries at all, I’m so glad that the Subaru article was helpful to you!