As Domestic Fuel Prices Skyrocket, U.S. Oil Companies are Exporting Our Oil

I’m no economist, and I’m certainly not a petroleum reserves expert. But even I can tell that there is something wrong wrong wrong when our country is experiencing the kinds of price spikes we’ve seen for petroleum products, and experts are predicting a harsh, expensive heating winter, and yet our domestic oil producers are exporting more oil than is being kept here. One might almost suspect that they are contributing to the inflation at the pump and the furnace.

That’s certainly what the aptly-named consumer watchdog agency,, thinks. That website is run by the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights (FTCR), and FTCR President Jamie Court, and petroleum industry consultant Tim Hamilton, recently wrote a letter to President Bush in which they pointed out that, among other things, “In the first seven months of this year, the oil companies exported over 96 million barrels (4 billion gallons) of fuel oil. The amount is 48 times the volume of the Northeast Heating Oil Reserve. When combined with the propane and natural gas that was also exported, the total export of heating products equates to 58 times the volume held in the entire publicly owned reserve in the United States.”

The bottom line? “With winter approaching, oil company exporting has again set the stage for a price spike,” say Court and Hamilton.

Remember that when the predicted doubled and tripled home heating bills start rolling in this winter.

You can read the full text of their letter to President Bush here.

How to Win The “Miss World” Contest

Ever wonder what it takes to win a global beauty pageant?

Wonder no more, because the BBC reveals all today.

According to the BBC World News Site, “Miss Peru beat off 106 contestants to take the crown from 2003 winner”.



Scott Peterson Found Guilty

This just in: the jury in the Scott Peterson double murder trial has found Peterson guilty of both the murder of his wife, Laci Peterson, and their unborn child.

What a sad, sad situation, no matter how you look at it.

What is interesting from a legal standpoint is the issue of what is considered murder of a fetus. Typically it is when the child is wanted, and someone intervenes and causes their death.

But, what if it were someone else who had actually murdered Laci, and what if Laci hadn’t wanted the baby, and Scott had?

And how is that different from a father having no say over the voluntary termination of the pregnancy of his child?

Very interesting legal issues ahead, I predict.

Put a Sock In It…er..On It. Socks for your iPod.

Ok, now I really have heard of everything.

Apple is now selling..are you ready?….a sock for your iPod. Actually, six socks for your iPod, to be more precise. The six-pack of socks, one each of six different colours, is available from the apple store, and looks like this:

Now, I’m as gimmick-struck as the next person (maybe even more so), but this is just…stupid.

Of course, if they came up with a fedora for my iPaq, that would rock.

Still, if your iPod has cold tootsies, you can buy it a six-pack of iSocks here.

Put a Sock In It…er..On It. Socks for your iPod.

Ok, now I really have heard of everything.

Apple is now selling..are you ready?….a sock for your iPod. Actually, six socks for your iPod, to be more precise. The six-pack of socks, one each of six different colours, is available from the apple store, and looks like this:

Ok, now, I’m as gimmick-struck as the next person (maybe even more so), but this is just…stupid.

Now, if they came up with a fedora for my iPaq, that would rock.

Still, if your iPod has cold tootsies, you can buy it a six-pack of iSocks here.

Newsflash: Being Not Poor Makes You More Content Than Being Poor

According to a recently-released poll conducted by the Associated Press of 1,001 people (that one last person made all the difference in the curve, I’m sure), people who earn more money are more likely to be satisfied with their lives than people who make less money.

Wow! Really?!?

Specifically, according to the AP, people who earn more than $75,000 a year are far more likely to say that they are “very satisfied” with their lives as compared to people who make only $25,000 per year or less.

The people who earned between $25,001 and $75,000 were too busy trying to find affordable health care to take part in the survey.

You can read more about it here.

Exactly Whom are the U.S. Airport Security Programs Protecting?

USA Today is reporting that undercover investigators managed to get both weapons and explosives past airport screeners at no fewer than fifteen U.S. airports.

The full results of the investigation were recently disclosed to Congress, with an abbreviated version being released to the public.

John Mica a representative from Florida, and Chairman of a House aviation subcommittee, is quoted as saying that “the results on weapons were “bad enough,” but the results on explosives were “absolutely horrendous.””

While the government has installed explosive-detection devices for baggage which is checked, they have, inexcusably, not mandated such devices for screening of passengers and their carry-on luggage. Because, of course, a passenger is much more likely to stow a weapon or explosive device, and then somehow get into the cargo hold at 30,000 feet to retrieve it. In fact, passengers are usually just sent through metal detectors and only occasionally checked by explosive trace detection equipment.

“You’re not going to find plastic explosives with a metal detector, no matter how hard you try,” said Oregon representative Peter DeFazio, in a blinding bit of logic that had somehow escaped those charged with, you know, keeping us all safe in the unfriendly skies.

This seems to be one more case where the balance of interest weighs in favour of big business concerns, and against our country’s citizens. The odds of any one of the hundreds of flights which go out each day being brought down are relatively low, even though the results are devastating for all involved. On the other hand, think about what it would do to the airline and travel industries if we instituted real security. What’s more important, a few thousand lives, or several hundreds of millions of dollars? You be the judge.

You can read more about this here.

Next Up: Do-It-Yourself Brain Surgery

USA Today is reporting that the FDA has just approved the sale of defibrillators for home use, without a prescription.

According to the story, the FDA “found that the model it approved, Philips HeartStart Home Defibrillator, has been designed and labeled in such a way that anyone can follow the directions.”

It goes on to say that “Mickey Eisenberg, a Seattle researcher who has studied cardiac arrest survival, likens the HeartStart to airbags, carbon monoxide detectors or home security systems. “Widespread dissemination, especially in homes of high-risk patients, offers the means to improve these grim mortality statistics.” ”

And hey, what a neat party trick – way better than that little buzzer you palm before you shake someone’s hand!

You can read more about it here.

The Antidote for Anorexia…. Happy Meals?

In a move which is just so baffling that I can’t even think of anything snide to say about it, the Olsen twins are in France promoting McDonald’s Happy Meals.

The Happy Meals contain tchotchkes which bear either the names or likenesses of the Olsen twins.

Twin Mary-Kate was recently released from a widely-publicized treatment for anorexia.

Somehow the two just don’t go together. Or shouldn’t.

You can read more here.

If You Want to Work in Canada as a Nude Dancer…

For those of you who don’t have nubile teenagers going to teen nudist camp (if you don’t know to what I’m referring, see, you can always get a job as a Canadian visa official.

Yes, it’s true – the Toronto Sun has reported that non-Canadian women wishing to enter Canada to work as nude dancers must submit nude photos of themselves to qualify for a visa. A report in the Toronto Sun explains that the poor visa officials are having to pore over hundreds of pictures of nude exotic dancers. Such a tragedy.

As one Canadian official put it: If they don’t have pictures in the nude, they are not going to wiggle their bottoms in Canada.