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Reminder: I do not use affiliate links because I want you to know that if I am recommending something it's because I really use it myself and recommend it, and not for financial gain. And I try to offer helpful information as I find or figure it out. But it does cost me money out of my pocket to keep the site running (since 2006!), so if you find something I've written helpful, please consider letting me know via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal.
More Merde
Kiss My Eardrum
No Longer Looking for a Carved Oriental Zodiac Table
Bubble Gum Alley - the Grossest Place Ever
Luggage Mountain
Payback is...
Look How Big this Girl is Now!
Germany to Circumcise Constitutional Freedoms
What's Your Sign? What Did it Used to Be? New Zodiac Dates Required, says Planetarium Society
That guy looks like me!
That’s kinda sexy in a weird way…
OMG where did you see a leprechaun? Hehehe