It’s Not THAT Kind of Grass!

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I’m inordinately proud of the ‘lawn’ – can you guess how I made it?

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6 thoughts on “It’s Not THAT Kind of Grass!

  1. Annie says “and the pecans looked like rocks”…

    It was a horse barn, wasn’t it? 🙂

    I was a bit surprised you started with a brown frosting and added colouring. You’re a risk taker, aren’t you?

    Here in Japan, no one uses cream icings. Cake shops here also only use whipped cream icings. I made my own butter cream icings for a while, but everyone thought that they were too sweet. Your cake would likely have thrown them into sugar shock. (oh, the good ol’ days, my mouth is watering now thinking of that and looking at that picture of your german chocolate…)

  2. Allen says “erm… “tinted green with food colouringâ€? or soaked in it?”

    Actually, there is probably only about 1/8th teaspoon colouring in the entire thing.

    It was that brown sugar pecan praline type it was brown, and it took the green tint *really* well. Coconut alone wouldn’t have done it… this frosting was *perfect*, it looked like dirt, grass, and the pecans looked like rocks. 🙂

  3. Annie,

    erm… “tinted green with food colouring” or soaked in it? 🙂

    Next time, try putting some coconut in a large bowl, add a few green food colouring drops, toss the bowl around, (not like that, and don’t hit the ceiling…) or stir with clean fingers or a large wooden spoon– add more colouring if you need to.

    Then just after you ice the cake, while the icing is still moist, sprinkle on your ‘grass’. You can also gently press it in/on if it’s falling off or you want to make the grass thicker.

    Coconut is of course a great addition to German Chocolate 🙂

    (Great tip for an Easter cake, too. Just sprinkle on the coloured coconut and then add some Jelly Beans for Eggs or a few chocolate eggs, or a few marshmellow eggs, or atand up a choco bunny, add the others around it. Of course, brush and floss properly after consumption and don’t visit the dentist for at least a few days after eating… hehheh)

    It is terribly cute though and I’m sure it was a hit.

  4. It’s the coconut pecan frosting for German chocolate cake, tinted green with food colouring! (Good call, Tippy!) 🙂

    Jimi: you DO know that you can click on the picture to get the full-sized version, right? 🙂

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