I found myself saying this to a friend today – I always say “do what you love, and love what you do”, but today what flowed from me somehow seemed more profound, and I felt that I should put pixel to screen, to make sure that I had it down somewhere, so here it is:
My other sites: Explaining the Law | Anne's Reviews | The Happy Gluten-Free Vegan | The Internet Patrol
“You know you should do what you love, and love what you do, right? To truly become an expert on something you need not only the knowledge and information, but you need the passion. Then the opportunities don’t just flow to you – your very energy and enthusiasm creates them!”
Reminder: I do not use affiliate links because I want you to know that if I am recommending something it's because I really use it myself and recommend it, and not for financial gain. And I try to offer helpful information as I find or figure it out. But it does cost me money out of my pocket to keep the site running (since 2006!), so if you find something I've written helpful, please consider letting me know via CashApp, Venmo, or Paypal.
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Right on Anne!!! How many folks are trying to make money just because someone said they could do it? Most give up pretty soon, but those who follow your advice will be around for a long time doing what they love.
There is no question that what you say is correct. So many times, what makes something successful is the drive and energy of one person. This can allow the smarts of many to be successful.